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  • (...). Rather than focusing on getting the job done and giving employees the tools to do it, excess time and energy are spent on appearances. There are amateurish attempts at outsourcing, costing huge amounts of money with no benefit to the AESO and terminating valuable skilled employees. A lack of means to accurately measure productivity results in wasted resources and moving targets, despite this environment every employee I met was productive but not very happy.

    You don't dare suggest that things could be improved as management takes all suggestions as criticism. If you are a skilled, imaginative and conscientious person you don't want to be involved in the AESO, your talents will not be recognized and will be treated by teammates as a threat.


    Posted on 14 May 2011 by Rater #4 | Flag as inappropriate

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I agree with Comment 1. Have worked at multiple utility or utility related organizations, and the AESO has been the best of the bunch by far. My line management give me a lot of leeway to get the job done, and assist when and where necessary. Do I want more pay, holidays and benefits? Who doesn't. But it's been excellent for the most part. Are there piddily things that get my goat? Of course, every job has those. But I wouldn't want to go to any other organization at this point. I LOVE what I do (how many people can say that?) and the AESO provides an unbrella for me to accomplish just that. Have seen some "less than stellar" types come in but they seldom last very long. It's what YOU bring to the table, not about what the co. gives to you. Just curious how long (very approximately) you were there? Less than 3 years, 3-8 years, or more than 8? You should be able to answer that.

Posted on 3 November 2012

The previous statements are factual and can be verified, except my speculation re: Aspergers. I'm not a medical professional or qualified to diagnose people. I think it's important for prospective employees to have a realistic assessment available to weigh their options, they are intelligent enough to filter the obvious trolls.
If I was bitter, I would've ripped this company a new a**hole, God knows they've provided enough material.

Posted on 12 October 2011

Is someone bitter?

I have worked at the AESO for more than 5 years, and havn't seen the things these folks mention. I'd consider the source on this.

All these comments seem to be by ex-employees with a grudge.

Posted on 9 September 2011

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