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Alberta Health Services

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Health Care, Social Assistance

  • A LOT of bullying goes on within AHS and there is nothing you can do. HR does not want to address it, and the union has a hard time dealing with this as well as it is a matter of personal opinion. But when you lose 5 staff members in less than a year directly because of an office manager, it is a sign. Unfortunately, they don't care. Go to where the grass is greener. They don't value people.

    Posted on 3 February 2014 by Rater #21 | Flag as inappropriate

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It is now 2017 and the above comments still hold true. I have 5 yrs to go and I am afraid they are trying to boot me out with bad performance reviews, and constant micro managing.

Posted on 26 December 2016

I so agree. I work in a very toxic environment wtih daily workplace bullying and harassment. Seems like management doesn't really care, all they do is micromanage and don't provide support or encouragement.

Posted on 28 August 2014

Interesting that the above comment is risky to post, but felt by many employees in AHS.

Posted on 16 February 2014

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