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Alberta Health Services

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Health Care, Social Assistance

  • I have been with ahs since 2007 on and off. and i can tell you this employer is joke. I cant count how many ceo there been in the last 8 years , it seem each time a new ceo comes in, they are gone when they realize this company is a mess.
    morale is in the toilet, managment is not suportive of employee initiative, we are not given tools to do our job, at least in the department where i work. money is spend at the big hospital but small rural hospital , that a different country and budget. since AHS got formed the culture is like . its my way or the hi way. It is no longer like a family setting. Regardless of what department it is , there is way too many managers . Just like with services , managment is also centralized, one manager may be responsible for staff at 4 or 5 hospitals. You never see your manager only once in a blue moon , and your contact is 95% by email.

    in terms of career advancements, this organization is one giant click. I was a casual and i applied 28 to calgary region for various positions and i never got a call. as per union input , they can look you over if your casual. Not fair for those who want more hours. Nurses are constantly burned out from working 2 or 3 part time jobs because full time jobs are hard to get. Each hospital has arm long lists of casuals that are never availble , due to workign other jobs. somewhere else. just like with other comments, your just a number. There is no recognition or joy coming to work.
    years ego i may have been proud to say i work for ahs, not anymore. I dont recomment, or advertise or promote this as a great place to work.

    positives: great pay , i cant complain.
    good benefits compared to other places

    negatives: way to many to list

    i regret coming back to ahs, however i have to ride out this economic storm, otherwise i would have been long gone.

    Posted on 9 January 2016 by Rater #28 | Flag as inappropriate

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