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Alberta Health Services

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Health Care, Social Assistance

  • I worked for AHS for eight years, part of which occured during the transition from individual health regions to one massive conglomerate.

    I would not recommend working for AHS anymore. There used to be a sense of comradery, but now everything is heavily governmentalized and bureaucratic. The culture is very policially correct now, and there is a constant sense of walking on eggshells so you don't offend anyone. This wore on me after a while. It got to be very stressful, and this is on top of the stress of doing my actual job.

    There are other issues which were not limited to my area of work. Few things ever gets properly fixed if they break; departments are not encouraged to interact with each other on anything other than a work level, which leads to the formation of cliques; the rules are not evenly applied to all people which leads to resentment; social interaction, no matter how brief, is frowned upon; understaffing is commonplace; the various unions are constantly undercutting pensions and benefits to the point where the advantages of working for the public sector no longer outweigh the private sector.

    For these reasons and others, I left my job. I didn't know this at the time, but there are also very few other options for working in my field in the private sector in Alberta. As in almost none. AHS is my only option if I want to do my job. I now hold a set of skills that I can't use, unless I move out of province.

    Posted on 1 February 2019 by Rater #35 | Flag as inappropriate

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