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Alberta Health Services

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Health Care, Social Assistance

  • 1,There are two good thing about Alberta health services is the pay and nice team leaders & Coworkers ,

    2.the huge con are management they don't ask you what location you wanted and also how they make the schedule isn't fair+ bidding system they have. they give you really short notice that your location is closing not even a week Site Management/Managers never respond to your email. and zero Communications. i wouldn't recommend working for Alberta health services.

    Posted on 26 July 2021 by Rater #40 | Flag as inappropriate

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I agree with you I disliked the bidding system,I also didn't like that they didn't ask me which location I wanted to work at. But on the other hand I liked working with my ex coworkers at Alberta health services.

Posted on 6 July 2022

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