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Explore 11556 employers and 48055 ratings
Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Accommodation, Food Services
based on 27 ratings
This is NOT a good company to work for at all. They do not care about any of the employees whatsoever, in fact they are all less important then the numbers they send in weekly to head office showing the accumulated wage cost for that week compared to the food costs and the actual "man days" to see if the camp made a profit for the week or if it was over its projected budget. You go on conference calls weekly to try to explain these numbers to head office, just to be harassed and put down and sometimes even yelled at by "head management" with absolutely no help or suggestions for improvement from the head office. When a situation comes up that a staff member has to leave site suddenly, you get no replacement for sometimes weeks, forcing all other staff to pitch in and fill that void when they are already working beyond their 9 hours doing their own duties, and that never makes for good morale when everyone is overtired and over worked. If you do get a replacement the person sent to you is "bottom of the barrel" who cant grasp any of the duties and then has to be sent out just to be replaced by another practically useless worker....the cycle continues ... The conditions of travelling back and forth to the sites are very uncomfortable, squished in with 14 others in a 15 passenger van, with only one stop for 15 min on the way up and back from Edmonton. The paycheck is the only thing motivating people to return after each rotation, and believe me, everyone is under paid for what they do and under appreciated by head office. Some managers try to be fair and understanding and tolerant and make it as pleasant as possible in the stressful environment they are all in, (there were a few out there like this,) but in a low morale, over worked and under paid group of employees who know they dont matter in the big picture, it is not a successful attempt. All Aramark cares about is having each camp run with the lowest wages and lowest food cost imaginable, and since they set impossible standards, they can never meet this goal. Do not work for this company unless you want to save money for a few months, it is absolutely not a career move in any way and you will never be appreciated or valued for the work that you do accomplish. They do have some stellar employees, but since head office never agrees to a raise or any sort of gift to show them appreciation, they will lose every single loyal employee they have out there.
Posted on 1 March 2011 by Rater #5 | Flag as inappropriate
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I worked with aramark staff at the Victoria main ice hockey arena and occasionally have some interactions with them in the course of carrying out my duties. They say their jobs with Aramark are just casual side jobs to their main work. They wouldn't put all their time into Aramark.
Posted on 6 April 2011
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