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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Accommodation, Food Services

  • I have been working for Aramark as a housekeeping Aide for over a year now and it is the most exhausting job I have ever had. One is is given a routine that 2 people should fill, indeed the other day I was called while at work to fill 2 other positions at the same time, I am sorry Aramark but I have only 2 arms and 2 feet! Like I said it is exhausting! I have been eligible for benefits for 4 months and have received nothing, if they screw up they don't care, if I screw up people could die! Oh and the pay is pitiful! This site will not allow me to give then one star or I would!

    Posted on 28 October 2013 by Rater #24 | Flag as inappropriate

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