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Astral Media


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Publishing, Printing, Media

  • I was employed by one of the television divisions in Astral. Some of the employees were fantastic to work with, but upper management, for the most part, was condesending and disrespectful. When I began my career, I was told that they valued employees and respected that we worked because we had to... "Work to live, not live to work." However, as my time went on, this became the opposite. Certain staff were required to "put work before their family" in order to prove committment and dedication. As much as I loved my job and the friends I made, I would not recommend this organization to anyone.

    Posted on 23 October 2011 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

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I work for their TV division in WEB. Its a fantastic place to work.
Great projects, great people and great management. I don't know what you are talking about but the upper management is great.
Project managers are VERY friendly , they listen to us and try their best to improve.
Finally, the perks of the jobs are also great, insurance, free cable, summer Fridays we finish at 1, 3 weeks vacation ..etc.

Posted on 10 February 2013

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