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Bank of Canada

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • been working there for six years now. Best place I have worked for.

    Posted on 13 May 2008 by Rater #3 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 3 31


Updating my comment, in 2020 this is by far one of the worst places:

1 - Work load is insane
2 - You are now doing 3 jobs instead of 1
3 - They mention your role will change, when you think about what you applied for and what you are are doing you feel betrayed
4 - 8 to 4 does not exist
5 - Overtime is insane with high stress levels
6 - The long term plan is outsource
7 - Dead lines are you against your own clock
8 - The good Managers end up leaving, high stress was told they also do not get overtime.
9 - Top 100 is just to keep managements head in the sand longer

Posted on 16 June 2020

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