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Bank of Canada

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • Worst IT department ever. I cannot describe the unethical treatment I received working at this Crown Corporation. Having worked 20 years in IT in private and government agencies, I can honestly say that this is the most dysfunctial organization I have ever worked for.

    To be brutally honest, Management is incompetent and they throw hard-working staff under the bus whenever necessary.

    The pay, benefits and false promises were an eye opener for me and I now am fully aware of the poor hiring practices of this organization.

    I am generally not one to complain, but I witnessed a political work environment with a "sweatshop" mentality. There was little or no encouragement by management and found the negativity to be counter-productive and intimidating.

    If you want to be micro-managed and un-appreciated, then go work in the IT department at the BOC.

    Posted on 22 May 2014 by Rater #14 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 37 2


6 Weeks, that's pretty fast.

Lucky you left when you did, the place is all about outsourcing getting people to work in roles they are not trained in..

Posted on 15 June 2020

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