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Bank of Canada

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • I cannot begin to explain how bad this organization has become, I’ve been with the Bank of Canada for over 17 years. I work in IT and Cyber, I don’t even know where to begin, most managers (the good ones) are retiring or had left (or passed away), the remaining are fully aware of all the issues but do nothing, they keep mentioning it’s a top 100 and I would agree if you work on the business side but in IT or Cyber I would highly recommend working elsewhere. Most staff are lookikg to leave the ones that are staying either cannot find better employment or are about to retire. I am going on my 18th year and for anyone reading this post do not waste your years in this organization if you are thinking IT work.

    Posted on 9 September 2021 by Rater #24 | Flag as inappropriate

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