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Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Banques, Assurances, Services financiers
basé sur 35 évaluations
If you are looking for work in IT or Cyber do not waste your time, managers are clueless and promote incompetent people, speaking of incompetent their HR department is brutal, however the good news is one of the hr resources is finally retiring that should remove some of the incompetence. Senior Directors are absolutely out of touch with the staff and their managers are even worse, staff is constantly looking outside.
Publié le 11 septembre 2021 par Évaluateur #26 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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New employee with this organization going in two years and wish I had read these comments before I joined as this would have made me think twice before leaving my previous job, I work in IT and I do not believe one person is actually happy or feel secure in their job. The thought of this being a top 100 is laughable even hr is a total waste any complaints are pointless. Don’t waste your time, look elsewhere management in IT are a bunch of monkeys.
Publié le 10 janvier 2022
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This organization was a great one about 10 years ago, ITS is lead by a bunch of morons, senior managers are just buying time and their staff are simply puppets. Avoid this organization at all costs, IT and Cyber departments specifically, all the good leaders have left and continue to leave or move elsewhere in the organization.
Publié le 24 décembre 2021
Unfortunately these comments are all true, mangers are totally disconnected from their staff, the worst of the managers all appear to go work in their group called cyber. Recommendation is to avoid and any comments on this that are positive messages are their own management who read and are tying to add a positive tone. Bottom line is it’s bad, it’s gotten worse and it won’t get any better with these managers and if you think you can make a difference you will find out within 2 to 3 years you cannot therefore don’t waste your time, I am also an active employee under a cyber manager she will remain nameless by far the worst manager under even worst senior managers if that’s even possible it is and come over and find out.
Publié le 30 septembre 2021
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