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basé sur 5 évaluations
Port Alberni Buy-Low Foods - If you are a student (looking for an ends to a means) this might be the place for you, they appear willing to work around school/college/university students... in fact all they ever hire is students. After all they are disposable and a dime a dozen. Once you've been there for at least 5 years it is time to consider yourself on borrowed time and start looking elsewhere as you automatically put on the chopping block by the two-faced manager who through whatever means will try and get rid of you. As for the work environment, Buy-Low Foods is extremely politically correct and cliquey which is further compounded by its unprofessional, micro-managing and fraternizing management (two supervisors are in relationship). It is not a stretch to say the turn-over is 90%, part of that being no interview process, give your resume to the manager and he'll hire you on the spot asking you to work the next day with zero training. It also has a questionable health and safety policy (ie regular staff working truck/freight days frequently got injured). There is no seniority, just because you are in a higher position on the schedule does not guarantee you hours, so if you're available 24/7 don't be surprised to see someone way below you or a new hire getting a 40 hour week. It is all about favouritism and brown-nosing. This also extends to career advancement, there is none and whatever does come up if you don't have "connections" with management then you don't have a pray. Port Alberni Buy-Low Foods also underwent a massive shakeup a couples years ago that resulted in them "cleaning house". Likely due to them being part of the Jim Pattison Food Group.
Publié le 23 août 2024 par Évaluateur #5 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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