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Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Gouvernement et Administration publique
basé sur 46 évaluations
Nobody likes war. However, I am proud of my time in the forces. The Canadian Forces is truly a gem, where you'll meet some of the cream of the crop of our country. As I said before, war is hell, no one joins the CF because they like war but most join because they love this country. I am proud of what I accomplished in Afghanistan. I can proudly say that I'm glad that more than a few talibs are dead instead of me being dead.
Publié le 14 avril 2012 par Évaluateur #5 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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Oh, I agree that Taliban, al Queda, and other allied extremist organizations around the world are a bunch of whack jobs that need to be culled. They only drag down humanity a few levels ans stand in the way of social progress. When there are pests anywhere, the pest control people need to take them out. Good job!
Publié le 19 juillet 2012
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Top of the line organization in all respects - we need a larger military.
Publié le 2 juin 2012
Thank you for your service. We are proud of you and your friends in uniform. God Bless you all.
Publié le 18 avril 2012
Very true. Whenever there are barbarian animals, the "animal control officers" are necessary to have them all in the animal pound.
Publié le 16 avril 2012
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