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Canadian Forces


Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)

Industrie : Gouvernement et Administration publique

  • I’ve spent 7 year in the regular force as a tech. specialist It is an enormous employer with tons of opportunities. I was impressed by the amount of emphasis put on “classroom” lectures even during inittial basic training. If you care for others , are looking to grow personally and professionally this is for you. Most stereotypes are not all that just anymore as the CF has gone through gigantic cultural, technological and demographical transformation in the past 12 years. For instance, even though I belong to non-officer occupation during my training out of 20 students all but one had over 2yrs. of post secondary education and half had degrees. Benefits are unparallel to any private sector. It is designed , aimed and preached to serve the Canadian society as a Canadian society. Anything that is expected out of a public servants, it is rigorously mandated in the forces that I have experienced. Initially I did witness some cultural differences in ‘06 when I joined by those with 20-30 years in old timers….and most have gotten out or are leaving. For instance I know of a dozen openly gay soldiers and they are treated as anyone else. The initial “training” phase is tough especially if you have dependents. Make sure you inform yourself as much as possible. In 7 years I have had my ups and downs, frustrations and joys…..nonetheless, the adventure, education, experience the people from this organization have enriched my life. Knowing what I know now about the CF, I would not have waited until I was 25 to join. However, if you are expecting to be “blowing stuff up” everyday for living and doing what the recruiting video shows right away, you should not be in the military. Just like our society, you will have a wide range of people with generally similar purpose of wanting to serve and looking for self improvement. Some find their limit early on and many continue growing for the rest of their careers. For members like that even the education is fully paid for (completion of a university degree or grad schools). Don’t get me wrong, I an not disillusioned by my duty but I am realistic. You will not find a private corporation of this size that is not populated by bureaucracy and human resource malfunction. At least in the CF you will always have amazing social support, unique professional opportunities and most importantly you will be protected by the public servant policies. If you are mature and wise enough, you will easily manoeuvre through the training, paperwork and minuscule “standard operating procedures”.

    Publié le 26 avril 2014 par Évaluateur #110 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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