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  • I am a manager in one of their stores - it is not a position I recommend. There are frequent communication errors from Home Office and policies and directives often change daily and sometimes several times within one day. The company seems confused about its direction in the face of new technology and frequently changes goals and measures of performance. Communication is top-down and comments to Home Office from the field are often disregarded or trivialized. Required paperwork is time-consuming and often needs to be done on the manager's own time. Work-life balance is non-existent and all managers put in lots of unpaid overtime just to keep up; it is not unusual for management to work 60 hours a week. They rarely hire store management to fill Home Office positions (except perhaps the most drudging position of analyst) in fact there is a tacit policy that they prefer to hire from outside the company rather than promote from within so advancement is unlikely. Many of my colleagues are looking for new jobs and turnover of store management has been increasing over the last 12-18 months. While much of this is true of the retail industry in general, I would still recommend searching for work elsewhere.

    Posted on 4 June 2013 by Rater #5 | Flag as inappropriate

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