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CN / Chemins de fer nationaux du Canada


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Transportation (freight), Warehousing

  • well,bunch of 50 people who hired on in high school, never worked a hard job in their life and all they do is cry about the work. Place would be much better if 25% of the work force retired tomorrow and wouldn't have to deal with all the cry babies. I can't believe there are people with a grade 10 education who make 120 thousand dollars a year who cry that they don't make enough or that they have to wake up at 2 am to make that kind of cash.

    customer service department in Montreal really suck with bunch of old ppl who complain all time about work and put pressure on new hires even the new hires getting less money when they r hired they have to wait 21 months
    the management bunch of young losers have nothing to do only to blame you about ur mistakes
    alot of lake internal communication

    the company in montreal is all family hired and 100% french

    Posted on 23 November 2012 by Rater #387 | Flag as inappropriate

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