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Coast Capital Savings


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • The organization of this company has slide substantially since I started working there 4 years ago. Over the past year and half, in particular, the company has moved towards a more "big bank" agenda. Sales and "roping" people in seem to be a priority. Not to mention I have heard numerous complaints about their new style of branch set-up. The comments that have been posted previous are completely accurate, but given the changes over the past couple of years, I doubt this company will maintain it's rosy reputation for much longer.
    But given the reservations I have about the quality of this company, it has grown a lot over the last few years and perhaps they are just experiencing growing pains. This should be resolved by hiring qualified staff, which I don't feel they have done or are doing, to meet the new demand placed on it from the growth.

    Posted on 17 December 2011 by Rater #27 | Flag as inappropriate

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