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Explore 11548 employers and 48037 ratings
Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Tourism, Travel, Passenger transportation
based on 14 ratings
Terrible relationship between management and employees. Senior managers continue to find savings by increasing work load of front line employees leading to deteriorating working conditions. But, hey, decent pay and a pension apparently means you can't complain. Shut up and get back to work. Yeah, that attitude definitely breeds innovation and loyalty.
Posted on 1 April 2012 by Rater #6 | Flag as inappropriate
Was this review helpful? 110 135
Thank you for this. I was afraid that this Company also had Management and HR who feel this way. I guess this is even more evident now with the Lay Offs coming to the Maintenance Department and the lack of a Collective Agreement for the last few years. Because you've posted this, I'm a lot more reluctant to aim in this direction.
Posted on 18 October 2012
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Business model, vision and strategy
Management's skills
Values and corporate culture
Internal communication
Work space (layout)
Recruitment, development, retention
Tasks and responsibilities
Teamwork and cooperation
Organization of work
Compensation and benefits
Schedule, work load and holidays
Work/family life balance