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Condor Security

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Security

  • I worked there for a while. the pros and cons.
    Cons: Demanding work environment. Strict. Pay is so so.
    Pros: good training and credentials, capable co-workers, benefits.
    Bottom line if you want to get trained like a cop but be paid as a security guard then this is your place to work.

    Posted on 5 June 2012 by Rater #10 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 88 8


First impression-lobby is small ,dark no tables to fill out an application. When we came to fill out an application was bloody cold.If you people ask other to ware shirt and tie make shure that your own back yard looks the same in according to demand.At least clean the floor and vacuum the mat near the window.Everything looks very depressing especially in the gloomy winter day.

Posted on 24 January 2013

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