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Condor Security

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Security

  • This company is ISO certified for a reason. They focus a lot on training, quality services and oriented to their clients. Therefore every employee will be tested/drilled/trained a good amount, some more than others if they take the initiative to participate in the optional training courses. This company is very good with self development, as they offer a lot of training courses such as Verbal Judo, and ASP that many other companies are not certified to train their employees in. The management team is very supportive in every employee's future advancement, whether that be with the company or not. The harder you work, the more opportunities will be presented to you. This company is not for people who are looking for a chill/laid back job where they just sit and observe. This job is very engaging and takes more effort than other security companies who don't care about their employees and services they are delivering as much. Hard work will pay off and the management team always have your full support. Overall, this company, as said before in a previous post, is not for everyone. The ones who leave poor reviews tend to be the ones who are the lazy guards who cannot take criticism, as I have met a few of those while working with the company, they hated the job and the whole excellent customer service/ training aspects.

    Posted on 28 June 2014 by Rater #24 | Flag as inappropriate

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