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Condor Security

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Security

  • Did not have a great experience with this company. They will force you to work when you are scheduled for a day off. If you refuse to do the shift, they will criticize you saying you do not have the "initiative". Management team is slow on a lot of their work. For example they require two weeks advance in notice for days off, but will start contacting guards to cover the day off request a day or two before the requested date and usually will inform the person that they were unable to find a placement for their shift, so they must work it even when they gave 2 weeks notice. Very short staffed and turnover rate is high. Everyone that I've worked with is pretty much gone. Pay is starting minimum, and little to no increases in pay. Advancement is low chance due to the small size of the company, all the supervisors and management team are already selected. Advancement in training and through the levels provide little reimbursement such as pay, only more respect within the company. I've been working for years with level 2 training and still making just a little above minimum wage. Irresponsible and questionable employees they hire. They are slow to provide benefits, as I've been requesting them for months, and get told that they are working on it. Their vision statement sounds great but they do not live up to any of it other than the training. Deceiving management, empty promises and words. They make it seem like your placement is very important or "high profile" when its just a regular location. They stress you to be hardworking and show initiative and be above and beyond in your work but they do not compensate you any more for it nor do they show those habits either.

    Pros: decent starting experience, easy to get in, training, easy low stress work, more customer serivce, no threats, just false fire alarms.

    Posted on 10 August 2015 by Rater #31 | Flag as inappropriate

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