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Explore 11548 employers and 48037 ratings
Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services
based on 13 ratings
Crawford and Company (Canada) Inc is a very small operation when compared to its US parent. Most of the important decisions are made in Atlanta. The Canadian operation is run by 6 executive members (all are white males). The company does work for just about everyone in the insurance industry, in one way or the other; so, there are many opertunities to move around, both geographically and professionally. The opportunities to move up above a mid management level are extremely limited. The executive team only permits "selected" individuals to talk to any of their clients. There has been a push in recent years to elevate uneducated baby boomered females with limited personality. This strategy, at first glance, appears to be a progressive move; but, the individuals themselves, have no business managing anyone. This is an organisation that is movivated by one thing only: money. Quality of work is a second thought; and, if you can function within certain parameters, you can make some money at Crawford. The day you stop being able to do so will be your last; so, do not count on any loyalty from this organisation. Also, the training is very limited. You will have to train yourself; and, the corporate culture will be more every man for himself/herself then an environment that supports teamwork. And, if you are a visible minority, don't waste your time. Their diversity policy is a bit of a joke. If you are planning to take a job at Crawford, I would strongly recommend that you meet with yout direct manager before accepting the job; and, the best advise I can give you is get everything in writing (as, at some point, you will get screwed); and, you will have to fight for everything that you have earned (or are owed).
Posted on 8 January 2012 by Rater #4 | Flag as inappropriate
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Business model, vision and strategy
Management's skills
Values and corporate culture
Internal communication
Work space (layout)
Recruitment, development, retention
Tasks and responsibilities
Teamwork and cooperation
Organization of work
Compensation and benefits
Schedule, work load and holidays
Work/family life balance