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  • This is the most mismanaged company I've ever come across. They have friends in the government that have reported back to the company after employees called the labour board regarding overtime. Freeman Lumber does not pay overtime. Anything after 110 hours gets "banked" but they never end up paying that person out when they leave or request it. They bully employees to quit when they don't want them here instead of dealing with the issue properly. Secret deals are made so, two people can get hired for the same position on the same day. If one of those employees is related to management, they will be given an additional week of vacation, extra tools (depending on the position), a cell phone, etc. Some people will actually come to work to sleep, management knows and doesn't care. That's very discouraging. Nepotism is alive and well here, too. There are so many other things to mention.

    Posted on 25 September 2024 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

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