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Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Other Consumer Goods & Services

  • The company has to be more bold in its direction in North Amercian operations - once a leader, it is no longer. Too many stores and the canabilization of sales from its own brand Old Navy, have resulted in diminished sales and increased layoffs on the front line. The store was highly successful in the 80's and 90's when it lead the industry in customer service, training and development of it sales and operations staff. Unfortunately, under new leadership the store operations have been stripped to the bone with the elimination of full time jobs, leaving only store managers and part time poorly trained seasonal employees. Work loads are incredibly high and managers can barely cope, succession management is poor. Customer complaints are never-ending due to lack of service, no service, or poor service. It has become a shadow of its former self and is no longer competitive in the North American market place. Its too bad, the company use to be amazing to work for, but difficult to consider or recommend to anyone considering a serious career with them based on its current direction.

    Posted on 10 April 2012 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

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