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Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Other Consumer Goods & Services

  • I was hired back in 05 to do seasonal work and I was blatantly lied to. They told me they kept their seasonal staff for 3 months, and then if we were good they'd keep us and if not they'd let us go. I started in late november, and expected to be there until at least February. Long story short, on new years eve they gave me a letter with my paycheque saying that was my last day of work as per my seasonal term. No notice no nothing, I was there for a month and a half just to work on boxing day and they lied to me and the other seasonal staff to achieve that goal. And to let someone go on new year's eve is just... not cool at all. Had they been upfront about this from the start I would've still probably taken the job and had less resentment and a better new year's eve that year.

    Posted on 25 April 2011 by Rater #5 | Flag as inappropriate

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Regarding the comment posted on January 11th, 2012, the original rater stated that he/she started in late November (exactly when was not specified). He/she was let go on December 31st - New Year's eve. That is approximately one month. The writer also states that the duration of employment was a month and a half. Since we do not know that exact day that this individual started, the time frame makes perfect sense. If the rater stated that the duration of employment was the beginning of November to the end of January, then that would be three months.

There is no need to be hostile when reviewing comments. Calling people "stupid" is no way to get one's point across effectively. We all have different experiences, and, for the rater, the experience was not a good one. Let's be civil and open-minded. Let's all try to get along.

Posted on 10 July 2012

Are you stupid? November, december and all of January is about 3 months... You clearly were not good at the job.

Perhaps you should have read the contract you signed instead o blaming them for your stupidity...

Posted on 11 January 2012

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