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  1. Groupe Stavibel 
  2. Golder Associates Ltd. 
  3. BRP 
  5. BPR 

Golder Associates Ltd.

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Architectural, Engineering & Related Services

  • I have worked in both the consulting and the corporate services sides of this company. You'd better believe that if you are not chargeable, you are the bottom of the barrel. Compensation for those not in positions that are able to be chargable is paultry at best, and you are constantly bombarded with the fact that you cost the company money. Turnover is high in larger offices.

    Benefits are extremely good. Only a small dental charge per month is required and almost everything else is fully covered at no cost to the employee. Even personal travel insurance is covered.

    There is some room for advancement, but if you are in a specialized area you'd better be willing to branch out to something else or wait out your superior to retirement to get that advancement.

    Smaller offices seem to have better connection between staff and the overall companys goals. Larger offices seem to have a bottom line mentality.

    The actual work is fast paced and you won't get bored no matter what you do. Depending on what area you work in, you might be expected to work a very large amount of overtime. Other areas are regular hours. You can move between positions in the company quite easily if you qualify to do so, so if you are unhappy in one area there is often the chance to try another position internally.

    Posted on 27 February 2013 by Rater #7 | Flag as inappropriate

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