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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48037 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Véhicules à moteur , (vente, pièces, entretien)
basé sur 46 évaluations
My experience at Gregg's left a real foul taste in my mouth. I dont know about the other locations but the branch I was at was a terrible place to work. Most of the employees felt like they were walking on eggshells all day long. (...). Employee moral was the worst I have ever seen in a business and the turnover was very high. They would always preach "teamwork" and "pride" as if anyone knew what those terms meant at this job. What a joke! I could not be happier to leave that place and for the people on here that are trying to say that there are too many negative comments and Gregg's was a great place to work....just have a look at the number of negative comments on this site. Its obviously a consistent trend with all Gregg locations. As a company they do not know how to treat employees. OUT!!
Publié le 14 mars 2010 par Évaluateur #80 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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glad you left
Publié le 7 mai 2010
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you bet it was Langley!
Publié le 12 avril 2010
ditto.... langley?
Publié le 11 avril 2010
Publié le 14 mars 2010
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