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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48037 évaluations

griffin canada

Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)

Industrie : Métaux, Produits métaliques, Minéraux

  • Management will put peoples lives before safety. Safety concerns are brought up at the SAFETY meetings and nothing gets done, then months later you bring up the same concerns and they tell you that you should have brought it up early, then still do nothing about it. The management lies and screws you around and in the next breathe asks you for a favor. Run away as fast as you can

    Publié le 10 décembre 2011 par Évaluateur #29 | Signaler comme inapproprié

    Cette revue était-elle utile? 10 0


unless you are in debt to your eyeballs with several kids and already have no life i urge you to bypass this employer. you can sell your health for your family if that is what you want.

Publié le 14 décembre 2011

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