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Health Sciences Centre

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Health Care, Social Assistance

  • I volunteered for three years in the ER. I was appalled at how patients were being treated. I voiced my opinion and was immediately written up. The claimed I couldn't follow direction, which was absurd. I was in the military! I complained to upper management only to be chastised, browbeaten and ignored. I was eventually let go even though I technically quit. I had volunteered in the past, a couple of times for Children's Hospital and Aboriginal services. Things obviously went down the toilet since then, since the WRHA took over it seems. (...). Fellow volunteers turned their backs and sucked up as I saw it. I don't recommend volunteering for this hospital or working there. I saw a lot of overworked and stressed employees. Low morale. Apply at your own risk. I sought community support for their abuse. DISGRUNTLED.

    Posted on 14 February 2012 by Rater #6 | Flag as inappropriate

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