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Hudson's Bay Company / HBC


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Retail Trade

  • I'm absolutely miserable. They seemingly refuse to hire more staff and instead toss you around from area to area with no training for said space what so ever to make up for lack of people, or they'll pile 4 people into one department on a low day and leave other departments empty. The pay is god awful, and they never tell you if they changed a shift on the schedule. They pile on these stupid required tests they expect you to do on your own time on this bloody archaic websites with over sized grainy images, HR is absolute trash, and if I even start in the credit card requirement! I'm about one more day of the screeching beep of the register's away from blowing my brains out all over a table of unfolded cashmere sweaters.

    Posted on 30 September 2017 by Rater #195 | Flag as inappropriate

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