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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Retail Trade
based on 167 ratings
the queen street store is now preparing the pink slips for as many employees as possible. they are using associates not getting enough marks (customers) to sign up for the bay mastercard. you are encouraged to deceive customers by alluding to it being a discount card and skirting the fact that it's actually an almost 30% interest credit card. the store makes $50 for every application. the associates, who bother the customers with the salespitch get zero. and now that saks is taking over the store, a little at a time, the bay are helping them by getting rid of employees by using this tactic. and once saks takes over, any of the bay employees that are left will be laid off so that saks can hire their own. the same thing happened in the store when O&B took over the restaurants. pretty much all former employers, who were promised that they would not lose their jobs, were quickly laid off and replaced with new, minimum wage employees. this is the business model they follow. don't even bother applying here: if you do get hired, you'll be gone in a year
Posted on 23 February 2015 by Rater #175 | Flag as inappropriate
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Firing all the old staff and replacing with new workers who will turnover out the door in less than a year is how it is done now. The same thing happened when Burger King bought Tim Horton's. This is how all corporations operate. Why be loyal to them when they are not loyal to you? They would replace you all with robots if they could.
Posted on 24 February 2015
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