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Explore 11564 employers and 48070 ratings

Best rated employers in this industry

  1. Sony Corporation 
  2. Implix 
  3. eBay 
  4. HostPapa Inc. 
  5. BioWare 


Size of company: Small (1 - 49 employees)

Industry: E-Commerce, Multimedia

  • Implix is an adequate employer if you are looking for a short term job. If you are looking for a medium to long term job that offers good benefits, fair raises and room for advancement, this is not the place for you.

    Posted on 18 March 2013 by Rater #5 | Flag as inappropriate

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I feel like it needs to be clarified that the benefits are now better. We have Blue Cross from day 1 that is mostly employer paid (all except AD&D, which is about $8 per pay, not even really enough to miss). There has also been a bonus structure introduced in the last couple of months. While it's true there is no potential for advancement, due to the nature and size of the office, it is something that is made clear at the interview stage.

Posted on 27 July 2013

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