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Independent Protection Services

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Security

  • Have you seen this companies website? It is ages out of date. For almost two years they have been located in Brampton. They have no training staff, the one listed on their website left over a year ago. They have a huge facility and no one to use it.
    The company pays minimum wage for almost all of its employees, except a few Loss Prevention souls who are still there. Excellent staff have left for this reason. They treat their employees with contempt or casual disregard. Staff have to struggle to get hours and it is not easy hunting down those responsible for assigning hours.
    This is not a company I would recommend for anyone. With a single owner and little management staff, there is no hope of advancement.

    Posted on 17 July 2012 by Rater #3 | Flag as inappropriate

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