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Independent Protection Services

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Security

  • No one can be found when employees are to be paid on pay day, sometimes told to wait. This company lost the best managers and are running with guys who don't know the business and are running the business into the ground.

    Posted on 11 October 2012 by Rater #6 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 9 1


I have heard horror stories regarding this company. Over the past few days i have found out that the company’s owner has many other public knowledge issues himself. (owners name in link, since im not allowed to postt name it maybe found there) , I found this ad on a Brampton news website . I found this very interesting , considering I heard stories this company pays their employees very late , the owner is very sneaky as well as a liar . You should read this article and judge for yourself . Beware before applying , there current managers are lacking the necessary skills to build a successful business….. if you ignore this warning … don’t say I didn’t warn you before applying…. The link is below

Posted on 11 October 2012

Agreed , they lost of good management . Its very unfortunate - at one point this company was a good company , now its all going down hill . And its going down hill fast.

If one takes time to review the Ministries website , one will see this agencies isn't listed. I wonder...

Posted on 11 October 2012

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