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Intact Insurance

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • EXTREMELY HIGH WORKLOAD! Compensation and benefits are close to nil compared to the amount of workload and stress. Many employees are "voluntold" to come to work during weekends with no compensation whatsoever. Not many employees are happy at Intact. A high turnover rate shows dissatisfaction among employees.

    Posted on 20 February 2012 by Rater #6 | Flag as inappropriate

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I've been working at Intact for 18 months and I love it. Yes, extremely high workload but the work is interesting and lots of opportunity for growth. We get paid overtime for working past normal work hours and always if we work on weekends. The turnover is actually not that high, unless you count the students who leave at the end of summer to go back to school. This is a good place to work for people who like a fast pace and want growth.

Posted on 21 September 2012

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