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  • I have been with Intelligarde for 6 years now. Through the years I have progressed through the ranks and have received numerous promotions including Employee of the Month. Intelligarde is a grounded employer who takes cares of it's employees. During my time with Intelligarde, I have fallen into some tough times. Management was there to offer help and support. I have witnessed first hand Intelligarde taking care of fallen members, and offered love and support to the families. Intelligarde is a two-way street employer. You take care of their needs and clients needs, they will take care of you. Prior to joining Intelligarde, I ran my own security company. I have a very high set of standards in terms of work ethic and employer responsibilities. Needless to say, I am very happy that I joined Intelligarde and look forward to serving many more years with them. If you're looking to join a great employer, Intelligarde is your first and only stop for employment. James Harrison

    Posted on 7 April 2016 by Rater #7 | Flag as inappropriate

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