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  • The doctor herself is lovely to work for. She could communicate and 'socialize' more with the staff (she can be very introverted and shy, but is still very approachable). Her husband (the office manager) on the other hand, was very disrespectful and deceitful, even when confronted. And cheap!!! I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him (he is a short Francophone, so probably could be thrown a little ways).
    A very quiet office and good working conditions until I was terminated without cause, promised a severance package, and then told I wouldn't receive it. Would HIGHLY recommend putting an addendum into the employment contract they get you to sign at the beginning, that covers your butt should there be 'termination without cause.'

    Publié le 27 août 2024 par Évaluateur #1 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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