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  • Don’t work this job unless you can’t get a job anywhere else or you’re young. Be prepared to work so hard and everywhere you look you’ll see old lazy people doing nothing, while your expected to hit standards everyday the old people sit back and laugh The truth is that safety takes a back seat to numbers and quotas. Every day is a grind on your body and one wrong move could land you in the hospital or worse. The job involves continuous picking for 8 hours of various grocery items which you then have to organize on your pallets, all the while people are getting in your way and equipment is shotty and failing. You get a 20 minute break and by the time you get food and eat you have to go back and work it’s really the most controlled modern slave environment I’ve ever seen we all have a purpose in life and you wouldn’t believe there’s actually people living for this company and spent their entire life being miserable like it’s their only option me personally I feel life is to short to live that way nothing changes if nothing changes I’ve spent 11 years working here, every year somehow got worse no exaggeration I even advanced in the company before eventually even being offered management positions but why would you even want to supervise or manage a company so corrupt it’s hard to even respect someone with those jobs they feel so entitled like you gave yourself to a company physically mentally and emotionally your whole life for what now in my position I really wish I left before it was to late knowing I’ll be spending the rest of your life in that warehouse is some real depressing stuff go to school kids take a trade anything but this unless you want to be used till you go insane

    Posted on 6 August 2024 by Rater #7 | Flag as inappropriate

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