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Explore 11564 employers and 48070 ratings

Best rated employers in this industry

  1. wordans.com 
  2. Swimco 
  3. Cintas 
  4. L'Oréal 
  5. Aldo Group 


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Textile, Clothing, Leather, Lux, Cosmetic

  • I did an interview at their Montreal head office many years ago and the guy who interviewed me was a total a-hole. I remember the receptionist was also very snotty and it all just left a very bad impression on me. Since then everytime i see the name Nygard, it always brings up very negative feelings. But now i'm looking at the reviews and i see they haven't changed! lol

    Posted on 16 October 2012 by Rater #7 | Flag as inappropriate

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