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Ocean Island Backpackers

Taille de l'entreprise : Petite (1 - 49 employés)

Industrie : Hébergement, Services de restauration

  • Not the greatest placer to work. Management is constantly holding meetings that accomplish nothing. High rate of employee turnover. Company website has perpetual job openings advertised. Company also posts openings on Craigslist and HRDC Jobbank. They claim that the jobs are fulltime AND permanent but advertise jobs more than what would be considered average for a small company. Pay is just ok. Lots of room for improvement. Most employees are paid the same rate and under an averaging agreement but be careful as it may be a way to make an employee work holidays etc without OT etc.
    Like buyer beware.........Job Hunters beware.

    Publié le 2 novembre 2009 par Évaluateur #3 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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