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Paragon Protection Ltd

Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)

Industrie : Sécurité

  • Done my training and got hired as a junior security Officer. Base salary is acceptable with medical and dental benefits. No pension but ok this is a private company not the public sector. So far so good.

    Publié le 26 avril 2015 par Évaluateur #77 | Signaler comme inapproprié

    Cette revue était-elle utile? 208 4


I HATE Paragon 100% cause I was let go at my former site, due to a contract takeover and other positions were eliminated. Isn't that bloody nice, after so many years of service and you're suddenly in exile. This is BS and they can go to you know where. I bet they probably conspired then go in for the bum rush. Now, I am all alone and at a dumb ass site with no advancement. THIS BLOODY SUCKS!!!

Publié le 5 juin 2019

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