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Paragon Protection Ltd

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Security

  • I can tell you in all honesty that 95% of the negative ratings on here are false and being posted by the same individual who has never worked for Paragon. If you want an honest opinion of Paragon, check out the Facebook page and see what REAL PARAGON EMPLOYEES have to say about the company.

    Posted on 13 December 2013 by Rater #56 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 1057 55


What employee is going to say something about their employer on their (the employers Facebook Page ) or their own think about it either you are a idiot or you have never really done any work in your life

Posted on 11 February 2014

You must work out of the Toronto office because if you worked out of the Durham Region office you would have a completely different perspective. I agree with the favoritism remark over professionalism

Posted on 20 January 2014

You must be one of the golden guards then, probably working for a manager that bases their work ethic on favoritism instead of professionalism

Posted on 19 January 2014

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