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Paragon Protection Ltd

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Security

  • As an employee of Paragon, you are under an obligation to join "the Union". There is no collective agreement handbook distributed to union members, and no soul ever speaks of the union, and what it's doing. There are no postings of jobs available within the company, and no competitions for jobs, where your years of service could get you somewhere. There is a $30 Union Dues fee monthly taken from your paycheck. That would be roughly $720,000 a year for roughly 2,000 full time employees. This figure is conservative, and would be closer to $1,000,000 a year. Paragon boasts of having over 3,000 employees, and is family owned and operated. The union does absolutely nothing for you. If you issue a grievance, Paragon let's you go. They leave you alone, unless they find a reason to "like" you. The management team is aloof to what it is like to be a security guard in today's world at low pay. Reality check for you!

    Posted on 6 October 2017 by Rater #95 | Flag as inappropriate

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Paragon is a shitty company to work for. I'm between a rock and a hard place with no future. Trapped in a catch 22 situation with no way out and working at a dumbass site, with two so called guards (dumb and dumber) and this the biggest farce here. Paragon Management will never listen to you and they don't give a damn.

Posted on 30 March 2024

Why only Supervisor positions come up and no position for guards? It seems that I'm working at a two bit site and I can't even advance, or to work at another site closer to where I live.

Posted on 21 October 2023

Why does Paragon say something that you didn’t do? Yesterday, they claimed that I missed call ins on May 22 which I didn’t do. I wasn’t going to waste my time to argue about this issue. It’s a bloody farce.

Posted on 24 May 2023

Don't sign up with this company. They are bad news when you file a grievance and with no one to support you. It's a blasted shame.

Posted on 24 March 2019

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