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Pfizer Canada


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology

  • Pfizer is a great place to work because the work/life balance is very important to the company and this keeps the employees satisfied.

    Posted on 8 December 2007 by Rater #2 | Flag as inappropriate

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I've been here for over 6 years and I really don't have anything bad to say about the company. I'm about to start a family and my manager has been nothing but easy going and understanding when it comes time to leave for family obligations. I guess it depeneds which dept. you work in and who you report to. Don't get me wrong...there are days when I want to quit but most days are good days. If it were up tp me and if my husband and I were financially capable, I'd stay home full time to raise my family. But unfortunetly, I'm not that lucky!

Posted on 1 May 2008

Wait until you've had >1 year and see if you feel the same. I never had any sense that the work/life balance was important. Rather, it was give, give, give to the organization until there is nothing left to give.

Posted on 1 May 2008

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