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Explorez 11558 employeurs et 48056 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)
Industrie : Soins de santé, Assistance sociale
basé sur 20 évaluations
This employer talks a good game, but does not deliver. They will say what you want to hear to get you in the door to work, but follow through with nothing and treat you like your disposable. Its too bad that they work with vulnerable children and families, as we as staff want to do our best, but support is sporadic and the company values its bottom line more than its staff or the families they say they want to help. There's a lot of waste and the company is very top-heavy, I think that is why the company focusses on spending the clients money even when services aren't needed (like counselling which seems to be a big push right now)...I don't think every parent feels sad that they have a child with autism. If a parent has $500 left over, suggesting counselling to use it up has infuriated more than one family - its embarrassing. Stay away - if you want to go into this industry, there are lots of other companies and there's a Facebook page where you can work as a BI on your own and keep the money for yourself... you'll no longer get half of what they charge you out at, imaging that.
Publié le 17 avril 2018 par Évaluateur #26 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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