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Primary Response

Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Security

  • Stay Away!!! Your just a number, hard work means, nothing to them. They only care about the dollar.
    Min wage job, The Supervisors think they are Police, and engage people they really have no business too. They slander good staff, a push them out. A REAL JOKE!!

    Posted on 10 January 2017 by Rater #90 | Flag as inappropriate

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I have been brought to tears. I have never been bullied this badly.

Posted on 12 December 2018

Why do people bully operatives? I ask myself this question a lot. Because, operatives are here to do their jobs and not be harassed by the public. Sometimes, it feels that I’m backed in a corner with no way out. This emotionally hurts me a lot and no one will help me. At a site where I deal with a lot of people, everyone is complaining about me and I’m being fair and honest. This is not right at all, to be intimidated and harassed by others.

Posted on 11 December 2018

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