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Explore 11556 employers and 48055 ratings
Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services
based on 394 ratings
I worked for them for just over 20 years, 16 as a Mortgage Specialist. After getting very tired of this last role due to how long I had been doing it and the nature of how it had changed, I was not given the opportunity to advance my career to any other roles within this very large domestic company, despite multiple internal job applications of over a year, with a handful of interviews, much "job shadowing", internal networking etc. I feel bitter with them about this. My conclusion is that too much history with one employer is not to your advantage. Best to keep changing employers as there is no loyalty. Used to be much better when I started. Benefits were much more generous too. Met some good people internally and clients over the years and that's about it...They have their head very far up their own, you can guess the rest, to really care about you.... Pros well known blue chip, for what its worth to clients and me (less and less) Cons very arrogant organisation, management...a shadow of its former self...
Posted on 9 August 2017 by Rater #439 | Flag as inappropriate
Was this review helpful? 48 4
last paragraph "...their own backside" to really care about you...
Posted on 18 August 2017
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Business model, vision and strategy
Management's skills
Values and corporate culture
Internal communication
Work space (layout)
Recruitment, development, retention
Tasks and responsibilities
Teamwork and cooperation
Organization of work
Compensation and benefits
Schedule, work load and holidays
Work/family life balance