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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)
Industry: Telecommunications
based on 517 ratings
This site needs to be updated with ability to rate Rogers with "-"s. If you want to be bullied, treated as dirt by clueless and incompetent management then you must work for Rogers! A place that would put most Dictatorship to shame! Horrible and can't wait to get out of here.....
Posted on 30 March 2017 by Rater #536 | Flag as inappropriate
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I took a vow never to work for this company again in any way after my experience briefly working in a call centre in which I was the target of workplace bullying and harassment, not only from coworkers but also managers and people in HR who should have known better. HR was clueless about such activity and made people who were at the receiving end look the one with the problem.
Posted on 3 June 2020
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I applied for a position that was suppose to start June 18th. It was drilled into me over and over again that the start date is June 18. Then I get a call after I do all the testing, interviews, background and reference checks that I was successful but the training class is full. Shocked I asked how can the class be filled when I was interviewed for it? HR personnel then tells me to wait by the phone the 18th and if someone cancels they'll call me. Or they'll have me in for the next training to which they don't even know when that is. Oh I'm sorry should I then call my landlord and tell them I wont be paying my rent either? Rogers is run by children not professionals.
Posted on 18 June 2017
Posted on 30 March 2017
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Business model, vision and strategy
Management's skills
Values and corporate culture
Internal communication
Work space (layout)
Recruitment, development, retention
Tasks and responsibilities
Teamwork and cooperation
Organization of work
Compensation and benefits
Schedule, work load and holidays
Work/family life balance