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SAIT Polytechnic


Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Education, Training

  • SAIT would be a good company to work for if they would just leave the instructors alone to do their job. Management is ALWAYS screwing things up by making up stupid rules and doing stupid things to look busy. Upper managment (Deans, VPs and President) are all on a power trip and dictatorship in dealing with underlings. The middle managment is afraid for their jobs and have no power or authority to make decisions. While instructors are treated with some respect because they are needed, while the support staff are just abused or contracted out. The support staff union filed a bad faith bargaining complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board because SAIT wouldn't negotiate on basic quality of life issues. There is no negotiating with SAIT's managment - it's their way or the highway.

    Posted on 7 December 2010 by Rater #6 | Flag as inappropriate

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